Monday, October 12, 2009


Well after spending over 4 hours in the hospital today I found out that we lost the baby. I didn't know my blood type before and apparently I am part of only 10% of women who do not have an antigen in my red blood cells and are Rh-negative. I have been really depressed the past couple days cause I had a feeling I was losing the baby so today when they told me the news I was a little more mentally prepared. They gave me a very painful shot in the bum today that will make it so that this doesn't happen next time. I never even knew that your blood type could have such a negative effect. Eddie and I are both upset about it, but are going to try again in a couple months. Hopefully things will go well and we'll be able to get pregnant again soon!

Monday, October 5, 2009

7 weeks!

So today makes it 7 weeks! Yay! I had really good intentions of cleaning my now extremely messy house today... not happening. Luckily I managed to get the dishes done before the morning sickness kicked in. I hadn't really been feeling that sick the past few days so I thought that I was over that stage and was like that wasn't so bad. Wrong, I was wrong. So wrong. I feel so sick today. I will be laying down after this entry and not sure if I will get back up until tomorrow lol. I've been reading about my baby's development each week so I thought it was really cool to know that something the size of a Tic-Tac can manage to make me so sick! lol But my baby's face is starting to become more defined this week and the arms and legs are growing. Below is a picture of what it looks like right now... I think it looks like a manatee!

Anyways I can't stay up anymore I need a nap!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Pumpkin Patch day!

I was feeling so bored and uninspired this morning with my Halloween decorations and I was feeling pretty grumpy about it. Then Eddie looks at me and says well maybe its cause you don't have any pumpkins yet, wanna go to the pumpkin patch? DO I?! lol I love going to the pumpkin patch! I love picking out the perfect pumpkin in that awesome dark orange shade with the perfect stem! Makes my day! So I got all excited and ready and Emma comes over and the three of us head out to Celebration. I only got 5 good sized ones and 4 small ones. They said that more would be coming in next Friday so I will be there with bells on to get a few more! I love carving pumpkins too, I don't know why but I just do. I remember a couple years ago me and a couple friends carved 13 pumpkins in one day! I always tend to over do it a little lol. We got one that was mishaped and it actually looks like a skull so I thought that was pretty awesome. When I go on Friday I'm gonna try to get some green and gray ones, they only had a couple today and they had some gashes in them which means they'll rot before Halloween gets here. So that cheered me up for sure! Then we went to the Halloween store which made me a little sad cause I saw lots of things I wanted, like a broom that makes noises and moves around the floor on its own, that Eddie wouldn't let me get. booooo.... but I did end up getting some new patterns for my pumpkin carving enjoyment and a few little things to tie in the rest of my "witch ingredients". Then of course we had to look at baby costumes for next year! I can't wait to have a little one to dress up! ACK SO EXCITED!!! There were so many cute ones, I just couldn't stand it. Next year will be fun too to take the baby to the pumpkin patch. ... but I guess I'm getting a little ahead of myself there lol. All in all though, the only thing that would have made my pumpkin hunt better was if it wasn't like 90 outside today... sheesh the heat is out of control! I'm ready for that cool fall weather... but I probably won't get it til January lol. Also today... Eddie informed me he's afraid of me and my moodswings, I think he's exagerating, but whatever. I don't think my anger has been out of control but apparently I yelled at him sometime during the week lol I asked him if he deserved cause I don't remember doing it and he said probably. If you don't want the heat then stay out of the kitchen ya know?! lol anyways I'm gonna watch Eddie play his video game til I fall asleep... it works like a charm I'll probably be out in 15 minutes!

Saturday, October 3, 2009

I love lazy days

Well me and Eddie had really good intentions of going out today and looking at houses... but it just didn't happen. I made a big breakfast (biscuits, gravy, sausage, eggs, hasbrowns) and we both got stuffed and that's when the lazy happened. We went to lay down and watch TV til our tummies settled and ended up falling back to sleep lol. I think Eddie is having sympathy pains cause he's tired all the time like me. In fact he took a 3 hour nap! I wasn't as lucky, I only slept for like 45 minutes but its more than I usually get. I have noticed that I'm not getting hungry or sick as often. I enjoy not feeling sick as much but I am not eating as much cause I'm not feeling hungry and then all of a sudden I'm starving! So I need to pay more attention and eat more during the day so I don't get that I need to eat right now or I'm going to die feeling. Anyway, I haven't put all my Halloween decorations yet... I was thinking that we would be moving soon so it wouldn't do any good cause I'd just have to take them down and put them up in the new place. But since we're already into October I figure that we will still be here for Halloween anyway and I might as well go ahead and put 'em up so I did a bit of decorating today. I made some foam bats and stuck them on the wall... I was impressed with myself. I need to make some more. We're having a witch house theme this year so I've made some bottles with "eyeballs" and rats in them. I'll take some pictures when I'm done and put them on Facebook. Well I guess I need to get off here and make dinner.