Tuesday, September 29, 2009

I'm a hot mess...

So last night Eddie decided he wanted to move the bed around. We had it up against the wall longways and he wanted to pull it out from the wall and out flip it around. I did not want to move the bed cause I liked it the way it was... I could fall asleep watching TV on my side. So he kept on and on because he said he feels bed if he has to climb over me to get to the bathroom cause it wakes me up. He moved the bed. I hate it! I can no longer fall asleep watching TV instead I get to look at a blank wall. Needless to say I voiced my opinion on the matter numerous times. It made me very angry and I kept throwing my temper tantrum stating that "I hate it... I hate it" but I was tired and laid down to go to sleep then Eddie got mad at me and my complaining and said fine I'll put it back. It took him 20 minutes to move it the first time and I was tired so I told him to do it tomorrow and he got all huffy puffy. .... lol he's just going to have to get used to my mood swings. I have decided that I should probably stop watching all these baby shows... I sit here everyday watching them and then I cry. I cry. Why? I don't know. I just do and I can't stop. Hormones suck! When I was watching all those wedding shows I didn't cry... its all this baby hormone nonsense! Me and Eddie are still fighting over baby names. As much as I love the name Aeris is just sounds like too many S's then if we went with Aerith it sounds like you have a lisp lol. I think I've sold him on the name Logan though which is cool. I don't know about a middle name yet. We could still go with Danger lol Logan Danger is awesome! And how sweet would it be for him to be able to say "My middle is Danger"?! I'm just kidding lol but it would be cool. Anyways I'm gonna get off here do some laundry and cleaning... moving the bed made a mess in our room... ugh! lol


  1. You'll get over all the hormone stuff pretty soon LOL What about Grant for a middle name with Logan?? Or Riley or Madison....What about Chloe for a girl?? Or Macey....or I like Clara...Mamaw Baker's name was Clora. Good thing there's still plenty of time to come up with names...LOL

  2. I know lol and Eddie hates most of the names I like. I want something different... I always liked Clora but Eddie doesn't like it. Clara sounds too much like Clarabell from Disney lol I don't wanna name her after a cow! Lyndsey's daughter is Madyson so that doesn't work either. I don't know about Grant cause again Eddie is so picky!
